Today, I got some of my photos developed after wanting to do so since donkey years ago.
If it wasn't for my gramps, I don't think I will be so motivated to go sort out all the photos I have.
Got some photos from the past developed and realised how times have passed and how people are no longer / still in my life right now. Thankfully, most are still there. Probably had chosen the nicer ones which are the ones I had took w the people I loved too.
Pictures aside, striked up a convo w Toh over a photo taken 2 years back and sudden relocation that time is passing really fast and intern is going to end soon. I will be jobless by then, and all the expenses are going down to zero as well. Shit.
Given the situation I understood, I don't think I'm needed in my office right now as well. Time to find some job to hang on for the few months of holiday before graduation. Talked to Toh and decided that I should really start considering about those ad hoc jobs that I've been wanting to do and probably build up the stupid resume that most companies are looking for, other than the certificate of being qualified for the society right now - degree.
I need to change something in my life badly, the situation right now. I'm sure it's gonna be hard, but it's gonna be fine. So I should hang on. Just a slight note to self.
7 weeks to go and goodbye to the lovely ladies in the office.
Till the next time I feel like updating this space.
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