Friday, 14 June 2013


So hey. It's June and soon it will be over as well.
Been trying to get some holiday job and I guess I'm too picky. 2 weeks break ain't a break afterall. There's so many things to be done,  to be completed and I wonder what is break.
Yet to receive any calls from intern when some of my classmates already received. I'm getting nervous and more worried for it. Honestly, I can't wait for intern. I'm so sick of school and all those reasons that had kept me from going out and work.
Of course, I can't wait to be financially independent as well. Hate to feel so broke and I hate taking money from my parents. Money is the cause of every problems, maybe not for some people out there but yes, it is a problem to me.
I need to get mg butt out of this house and go shopping. It's GSS and I hadn't had a chance to shop at all. I will probably just spend all my money at the end of next week. I don't Really care now. Nobody cares anyway.
One more week of break before the next half of the semester resumes.

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