Tuesday, 15 September 2015

#wordsforthoughts: How far are you willing to go all out for a friendship

You were born to be alone, and you will leave this world alone. 
But how many people come and go during the days that you are alive. 
And how many are there who were still there when you were barely alive. 
Things happen, they just do. We can never change what happens but is there something we can do to salvage whatever that is going to happen afterwards? 
Things were hard, actually harder in the past. 
I've got to admit, you get through things easier as you get older. 
So many things happened throughout the busy month and to be honest, it was such a relieve that actually every events have ended. 
Now, the question is, how are you going to face these people affected with the normal face you see others. There was so many things and it definitely cannot be erased just by anything. How am I going to get over the ultimate challenge? 


Things that I've been always blessed with turns out to be the best and the worst things that can happen at the same time. 
At the point of disappointment and lost, it always the best thing to feel comfort in people whom you love. Not the the love was lost in the former but the comfort was so much needed at the moment of time and that was found in the latter. 

It was never easy to maintain a friendship and I guess, the saying that goes 'with every obstacles met in the midst, relationship grows stronger while all parties learn to cross the obstacles together.' 

Feeling that I've done my part to protect someone I love, I do hope I don't land back into disappointment after all these. Because trust is a given and not to be taken for granted. 

I didn't have a chance to do this in the past. 
Now that I have the chance, I want to be brave enough to face it. 

Dear people who are reading this, I bless all you with the courage to do something that you need to, to someone you love and cherish, now. Don't wait till it's too late to salvage anything because you wouldn't want it to be lost like this. They always say it's never too late but no, it will come to a point when everyone leave the situation with nothing to continue.  I know that. I'm telling you this. Go ahead. 

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